Out of date as of fall 2010
Mayor Dave Bronconnier
The City of Calgary,
P.O. Box 2100, Station M,
Calgary AB T2P 2M5
Phone: (403) 268-5622,
Fax: (403) 268-8130
Aldermanic Offices
The City of Calgary (8001)
P.O. Box 2100, Station M
Calgary AB T2P 2M5
Phone: 403-268-2430
Fax: 403-268-8091 or 3823
Here is a list of email contacts for Calgary City Council.
Mayor Dave Bronconnier - themayor@calgary.ca
Aldermen - alderweb@calgary.ca
Alderweb@calgary.ca is an email address for all aldermen. Make sure you put "For All Aldermen" in the subject line. Or send individually:
Ald. Dale Hodges, Ward 1 - Dale.Hodges@calgary.ca
Ald. Gord Lowe, Ward 2 - Gord.Lowe@calgary.ca
Ald. Jim Stevenson, Ward 3 - Jim.Stevenson@calgary.ca
Ald. Bob Hawkesworth, Ward 4 - Bob.Hawkesworth@calgary.ca
Ald. Ray Jones, Ward 5 - RJones@calgary.ca
Ald. Joe Connelly, Ward 6 - Joe.Connelly@calgary.ca
Ald. Druh Farrell, Ward 7 - Druh.Farrell@calgary.ca
Ald. John Mar, Ward 8 - John.Mar@calgary.ca
Ald. Joe Ceci, Ward 9 - Joe.Ceci@calgary.ca
Ald. Andre Chabot, Ward 10 - Andre.Chabot@calgary.ca
Ald. Brian Pincott, Ward 11 - Brian.Pincott@calgary.ca
Ald. Ric McIver, Ward 12 - Ric.McIver@calgary.ca
Ald. Diane Colley-Urquhart, Ward 13 - Diane.Colley-Urquhart@calgary.ca
Ald. Linda Fox-Mellway, Ward 14 - Linda.Fox-Mellway@calgary.ca
Especially if you are sending to them all, it is wise to cc. the City Clerk:
City Clerk - cityclerk@calgary.ca
Here is the whole list, strung together to paste into an email window:
themayor@calgary.ca, alderweb@calgary.ca, Dale.Hodges@calgary.ca, Gord.Lowe@calgary.ca, Jim.Stevenson@calgary.ca, Bob.Hawkesworth@calgary.ca, RJones@calgary.ca, Joe.Connelly@calgary.ca, Druh.Farrell@calgary.ca, John.Mar@calgary.ca, Joe.Ceci@calgary.ca, Andre.Chabot@calgary.ca, Brian.Pincott@calgary.ca, Ric.McIver@calgary.ca, Diane.Colley-Urquhart@calgary.ca, Linda.Fox-Mellway@calgary.ca, cityclerk@calgary.ca
If you want to phone or snail mail, here is more contact information: