Calendar of Council, standing committee, CPC and SDAB meetings 2007 ... lendar.pdf
Agendas and Minutes for Council Meetings, Special Policy Committee Meetings and Special Committees. Agendas only appear a few days before the meeting, usually the Thursday or Friday before, and minutes typically appear days or sometimes weeks afterward. Planning or environment issues most often arise at SPC on LPT and U & E. These are public hearings and the public can speak. After passing through these meetings, most matters go on to Council, where there may or may not be a public hearing depending on the matter. These agendas and minutes are often the first and last stop for policy and planning items. This page has a search function. ... centagenda
Land Use changes typically go to Calgary Planning Commission then to a City Council Public Hearing. Here is a list of public hearing dates and related deadlines in 2008. ... ternal.pdf
City of Calgary Public Notices Page. Contains links to most public information on planning applications and hearings, as well as calendars for Council and information on Calgary Planning Commission ... otices.htm
Many planning matters also go to Calgary Planning Commission as a final stop or on their way to Council. CPC is not a public hearing, but the public can contact and lobby CPC members. CPC agendas and lists of members is available here. ... otices.htm
The distant early warning system for development applications is the development permit application register. Lists new applications weekly, either by Ward or by community. Each week is in a discrete PDF. ... y+Ward.htm
The ‘myproperty’ page lets you look at individual properties on a map, and see what zoning (land use district) and policy plans apply. You can search by address or community and zoom in. Green triangles indicate that there is an active or recent development, building permit or demolition application (click on the “i” for information), their status (e.g. “completed” or “under review”) and enough details that you can find out more by calling 311. Some development may have more information online if they are going/have gone to Calgary Planning Commission or Council, or are on the development permit application register, but those connections are hard to make.
The main land use planning page is here: ... anning.htm
The Land Use Bylaw governs what happens on a piece of land, depending on its zoning. But there is a fair bit of discretion within the zoning, and there is also a process to apply to change zoning. This link is all about zoning and has other links to the land use bylaw information ... Zoning.htm
Calgary’s new Municipal Development Plan -
Most of the City’s Planning Policy documents, ARPs, ASPs and so-forth can be found in PDF form at this page: ... ations.htm
Information on Current Studies and Ongoing Activities is at the link below. This is not always comprehensive or up-to-date. there are always new planning processes in the pipe (the latest are usually found in Council or standing committee agendas and minutes) ... vities.htm