Notes from Research and Development Watch Meetings

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Notes from Research and Development Watch Meetings

Postby Bob van Wegen » Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:37 pm

Unofficial notes from the Research and Development Watch group of the Calgary Heritage Initiative Society, July 24, 2006.

Bob van Wegen
Chris Edwards
Tony Smith
Danielle Feader
Jacky Durrie
Heather Saitz
Kerri Rubman
Don Edy
D’Arcy McGee
Kristi Johnson
Halyna Tataryn
Rick Williams

I. Research

1. Presentations on the Harvey Block and Western Hospital are to be made to the Calgary Heritage Authority on July 27/06.

2. New Research: ACTION: Kristi will arrange a tutorial on “How to Research”, and will invite D’Arcy and Kerri. She will check with Harry Sanders at the Glenbow to see if he’s available for a short “primer”.

3. Community research:

a. The current inventory is found at: ... +Sites.htm
b. Daryl Cariou is interested in streetscapes, which we take to mean 3 or more buildings.
c. We would like to ask Community Associations the following in ADVANCE of the Sept 27 roundtable meeting:
i. What are the top 5 (or so) buildings in your community which aren’t on the inventory?
ii. What is your best streetscape or 3 or more buildings?
d. ACTION: (Chris Edwards?). Draft note to community association asking the above. To be sent around Labour Day.

4. Crooks drugs is empty right now. That is the first time it is not a drug store since it was built.

5. Cliff Bungalow/Mission CA is researching a number of buildings. ACTION: Rick and Tony to exchange building “research interest” lists – possibly on an ongoing basis.

II. Development Watch

1. Aberdeen apartments demolition application, as reported in the Herald. We know a demolition application has been received. We don’t think that we know the real reason behind the dispute or the motivation behind the application.
Can Daryl stop/delay a demolition? Usually just for one month.
Obviously, we think demolition is not acceptable.
Now is the time to send a note to the Alderman. Also send copies to, and the heritage planner:

More info is on the website at:

ACTION: We would like to send one letter from CHI as an organization. (Bob/Tony?)
ACTION: Rick will add building history to the website.

2. Mission ARP has gone through. CHI submitted notes in favour. The height restriction was lowered from 8 stories to 5, but the setbacks were made less than most of the city.

3. Sandringham: Change of use supported by CHI.

4. Carl Safran / Central / Rundle: CBE is selling off the open space to raise money. The concern is that from a context point of view, the yards are parts of the school. We believe the city has a right-of-first-refusal on the open space. Letter regarding Carl Safran land use application already sent to Ald. King, mayor, MLA Cenaiko, Gibbs Gage architects, Beltline community, heritage planner Darryl Cariou. We would like to follow up with a “Heritage Resource Impact Assessment” request to the Minister of Comm Dev.
Note: The open space in the beltline is about 0.6 ha per person, compared to a city average of 2.2 ha/person and a suburban average of 2.5-5.0 ha/person.
As for Connaught School we do not know the deadlines yet.
ACTION: Circulate a draft letter re. HRIA for comments. Bob/Tony??

5. Westbourne Church: Not going to be decided for a couple of months.

6. Enoch Sales and Rock Central: The current plan seems to be to move Enoch 100 ft west to the LRT right-of-way, and to demolish Rock Central, saving a few bricks for display (latter from unofficial notes from CHA).
RESPONSE: Since they are on the inventory, every effort should be made to save them. Moving the bricks is an insult. “If we can’t save, then move”. As artifacts of the neighbourhood, the buildings are still in context if moved 100 ft away.
Under the Beltline ARP, preservation of the buildings (either by keeping in place or moving) could result in a density transfer.
ACTION: Everyone… What are the potential uses of the buildings, if moved?

7. Curtis Block and Deutch-Canadier: ACTION: Chris to find out response deadline (likely mid-August).

8. Hamilton Terrace: “The dumpster murder house” is being re-done as an office building. Would getting the building on the inventory help the developer meet their parking requirements? Land use – is it consistent with heritage? ACTION: Letters in by 3rd August.

9. Historic Calgary Week: CHI’s 17th Ave tour starts from Café Beano (9th street, N of 17th Ave) at 10:00 AM on Saturday. ACTION: Photos, D’Arcy and Halyna; Memberships: Rick and D’Arcy. Meet at 9:45 at the Café.

10. Calgary Heritage Awards / Lion awards. August 3. To make our presentation booth, Jacky, D’Arcy, Halyna, and Heather volunteered.

Bob van Wegen
Posts: 148
Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:02 pm

Postby Bob van Wegen » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:37 pm

Unofficial notes from the Research and Development Watch group of the Calgary Heritage Initiative Society, August 21, 2006.

Bob van Wegen
Chris Edwards
Tony Smith
Danielle Feader
Kerri Rubman
D’Arcy McGee
Kristi Johnson
Halyna Tataryn
Brandi Anaka
Heather Parsons
Sherri Morrow

I. Research

1. Presentations on the Harvey Block and Western Hospital were made to the Calgary Heritage Authority on July 27/06. Information has been provided to Lorne Simpson.

2. Current research projects include the Stanley House: ... .php?t=271
And the Grant Brothers store on 17th Ave.

3. A “How to Research Historical Buildings in Calgary” tutorial is schedule for Wed Aug 30th at 3:30 PM. We (at least Sherri, D’Arcy, Kerri, Kristi, and Tony) are meeting in the lobby of the Glenbow. Everyone is invited!

3. Community research:

a. We would like to ask Community Associations the following in ADVANCE of the Sept 26 roundtable meeting:
i. What are the top 5 (or so) buildings in your community which aren’t on the inventory?
ii. What is your best streetscape or 3 or more buildings?
ACTION: (Chris Edwards). Draft note to community associations asking the above. To be sent after Labour Day.
Information on the roundtable meeting here: ... ?p=561#561

4. Cliff Bungalow/Mission CA is researching a number of buildings. ACTION: Rick and Tony to exchange building “research interest” lists – possibly on an ongoing basis.

5. CHA also apparently has a research interest list. ACTION: Tony to contract Brenda Etherington at the City of Calgary about exchanging research lists as well.

II. Development Watch

1. Aberdeen Apartments demolition application is still being discussed. Send a note to the Alderman Also send copies to, and the heritage planner: More info is on the website at: There will be more in the upcoming Mission Statement newsletter

ACTION: We would like to send one letter from CHI as an organization. Jacky Durrie to draft

2. Carl Safran / Central (land use) and Connaught (development permit) – CHI has sent replies. ... .php?t=272 Ald. King says there will be a consultation meeting on Carl Safran in the fall. We would like to ask the Minister of Community Development for a “Heritage Resource Impact Assessment”. ACTION: Sherri to circulate a draft letter re. HRIA.

3. Westbourne Church: Probably not going to be decided for a couple of months. ACTION: Tony to ask Darryl or David Plouffe if there any changes.

4. Enoch Sales and Rock Central. Land use has been replied to. Demolition of Rock Central is likely, the saving of Enoch Sales is more likely. Darryl asked CHI for more information on the recent history of Rock Central – Bob provided. Chris reports that film-maker Lock Fulton has done a documentary on Rock Central. ACTION: Chris to email Lock’s info to Darryl.

5. Curtis Block and Deutch-Canadier: Curtis Block land use replied to. No circulation yet on Deutch-Canadier. Need to keep an eye on it.

6. Hamilton Terrace: Land Use change is going to CPC on Thursday. CHI did a reply.

7. Penny Lane redevelopment going to CPC on Thursday: ACTION: D’Arcy and Bob to draft letter to CPC expressing regret over loss of façade on 8th Ave. Tony also to review

8. A new land use by-law has been drafted by the City. We need to consider it for heritage and process aspects.
ACTION: Chris to collect comments. So far comments include, eg:
- request better signage for DP, LU
- level of information and timing of release on the city website (eg. Why aren’t DP and LU plans on the City website?)
- no demo permit for inventoried buildings w/o a DP or Building permit in place
- how does CHI get involved in the development comment process

9. Stanley House: ACTION: Kristi to tell Darryl Cariou (the city Heritage Resource Planner) that we are currently researching the George Stanley house. ACTION: Tony to call Andrew Palmiere at city about the progress of the land use change for the Stanley House.

10. New development project in Sunnyside affecting the Lido café and apartments on 9A @ 2nd St. ACTION: Bob and Brandi A to contact the Community Association.

11. Gerlitz Block: Halyna is researching for the inventory/possible designation. She is marketing the house and will arrange a time for CHI to see.

12. Concepts for the President Apartments (preservation with condo tower above) were discussed. There is a new land use application in, but has not yet been notice posted or circulated to the best of our knowledge.

13. Meetings: Would like to set up meeting with Druh Farrell and Madeline King at the city on heritage and planning issues, and with Harvey Cenaiko (MLA) regarding the schools and provincial heritage issues.

Other items

14. Pub Crawl idea: Heather P will ask the Bear and Kilt person about how-to…

15. Streetscapes: ACTION: Kerri to write up 11th St. Streetscape for the website. Bob to provide the raw information.

16. The idea of producing pamphlets of researched buildings, to be distributed by businesses in these buildings (e.g. Cushing building/Cozy Corner Café) was mentioned. They would also promote CHI.

17. Calgary Urban Initiative and the Beltline Communities are planning an urban symposium, likely on a heritage-related topic, sometime this fall.

Bob van Wegen
Posts: 148
Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:02 pm

Notes from September 18th 2006

Postby tonyhsmith » Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:14 am

Edited Sept. 20 - bvw

Unofficial notes from the Research and Development Watch group of the Calgary Heritage Initiative Society, September 18, 2006.


Sherri Morrow Heather Saitz Janet Woolgar Kristi Johnson
Bob van Wegen Tony Smith Kerri Rubman

I. Research

1. Current research projects include:

a) George Stanley House: (draft presentation and draft form complete) ... .php?t=271
b) Grant Brother’s store on 17th Ave ( no report)
c) Tequila/Costigan house – built in 1893, Costigan lived in the house after it was moved across the street. Also Sam Steele and George Johnston (newspaper editor) lived there.

2. Kristi reported on first researcher ‘field trip’ to Glenbow. The possibility of a second trip was discussed.

3. Possible changes to evaluation criteria in the new Heritage Resource Management Plan was discussed. Referenced in these CHA minutes: ... 6_june.pdf

4. Community research:

a. We would like to ask Community Associations the following AT the Sept 26 roundtable meeting:
i. What are the top 5 (or so) buildings in your community which aren’t on the inventory?
ii. What is your best streetscape or 3 or more buildings?
ACTION: (Chris Edwards). Draft note to community association asking the above.
Link to meeting info: ... ?p=561#561

4. Cliff Bungalow/Mission CA is researching a number of buildings. ACTION: Rick and Tony to exchange building “research interest” lists – possibly on an ongoing basis. Contact made, no response. (Bob reports that Rick has verbally indicated he will follow up with Tony.) ACTION: Tony to contract Brenda Etherington at the City of Calgary about exchanging research lists as well. Contact made, no response.

5. Streetscapes: ACTION: Kerri to write up 11th St. Streetscape for the website. (left over from previous meeting, not discussed).

II. Development Watch

1. Aberdeen apartments demolition application removed, and the earlier design (previously unacceptable to the City) has been revived. ... ?p=581#581

In some jurisdictions heritage buildings cannot be demolished until a new development or building permit is issued. Removes demolition threat as bargaining tool, allows more time for solution. Demolition is currently just under the Province’s Safety Act. We could consider lobbying for different requirements for Heritage buildings, or more latitude for municipalities to make rules. Maybe mention on Friday to Harvey Cenaiko.

2. Carl Safran / Central (land use) and Connaught (development permit) Schools: ... .php?t=272

Meeting held with Madeleine King. Next meeting with Harvey Cenaiko (MLA) on Friday. The Connaught DP will go to Calgary Planning Commission so we can make more comments to them then. Apparently the Safran land use has been withdrawn for now. Also, restoration details on the schools are insufficient. City planners seeking clarification. Provincial or Municipal “Designation” would ameliorate this. The City’s Senior Heritage Planner, Darryl Cariou, is seeking designation. Ownership questions around the school properties not entirely resolved. The Province already has a report (done a few years ago…) from architect Lorne Simpson encouraging designation of Central High School. See also the upcoming open house for Centre City Open Space, which may be relevant: ... ?p=583#583

3. Westbourne Church: June CHA minutes indicate more discussion is needed. Ask David Plouffe if there any changes. ACTION: Janet. ... ?t=254#254

4. Enoch Sales and Rock Central: Rock Central has been demolished. Enoch sales may be moved to above to C-train tracks on city land next door. Objections from City transportation may be an obstacle. ... .php?t=259

5. Curtis Block and Deutch-Canadier: The principal issue facing these buildings is the condition of the façade on the Curtis Block. ACTION: Janet to talk to Darryl about Curtis Block. ... .php?t=212

6. President: No change, although concerns were raised by some about the developer’s viability. ... ?p=164#164

7. Penny Lane: The ‘Friends of Penny Lane’ reached an agreement with the developer: a) commitment to not knock down the building until construction starts, b) to allow laser scanning of the building*, and c) a more substantial interpretive feature commemorating Penny Lane (this previous vagueness was one of the grounds for appeal as the original plans included something, but did not define it). It was felt this is the best that could be accomplished at this late date. Redevelopment proposal originally approved in 2002. Some discussion of what could be done to prevent this in the future (e.g. groups like ours for early intervention, better communication from the city on development proposals, no sandblasting of brick buildings, etc.) * This connection made by CHI to Richard Levy at EVDS. He want more discussion with CHI on possible partnerships. Visit to U of C ‘holodeck’ possible. ... ?p=576#576

8. EnCana – York Hotel may get “better than façade” retention. Certain conditions likely in the City sale to EnCana; good people on the job. Expect the Regis to stay as well. Situation hopeful. Expect plans later this fall.

9. 100 block 7th Ave SW, some buildings west of Palomino: For sale for $12,000,000. We passed the hat and came up $11,999,990 short. We could do some publicity for this block, and/or promote alternative designs, possibly in conjunction with EVDS. We would like to get Calgarians thinking of that stretch as streetscape, but would need an alternative to complete demolition. (eg. more artist-type places like Art Central). Buildings on the inventory include the Church, Bible Institute, and the original Calgary Stock Exchange. Others not inventoried. (link to be added)

10. New rumoured development project in Sunnyside affecting the Lido café and ‘landmark’ apartment on 9A @ 2nd St. Not on inventory. ACTION: Bob and Brandi Anaka to contact the Community Association. No report yet. ... .php?t=301

11. Gerlitz Block: Last meeting: Halyna to research.

12. Crandell/Hart House – project in the hands of planner Mona Ha. ... .php?t=118

III. Policy

See here for some references: ... ?p=583#583

1. A new land use by-law plan has been proposed.
ACTION: Tony to collect comments. So far comments include, eg:

- better signage for DP, LU applications
- No demo permit without approved DP or (possibly) building permit
- how does CHI get involved in the process?
- level of information and timing of release on the city website (eg. Why isn’t DP stuff on the website? Eg. List of applications for DP/LU by community…)
- prevent sandblasting of historical buildings
- require Heritage Planner review of development permit to allow time for discussion of heritage options

2. Heritage Resource Management Plan being developed. There will be an interim report to Council before the end of the year. David Plouffe is managing this.

3. Meetings: Would like to set up general meeting with Druh Farrell. She is on Calgary Planning Commission and also has a lot of heritage buildings in her ward.

IV Upcoming Events (most listed in Events or recent News on website)

1. City Centre Open Space Plan: 3 pm and 7:00 pm, Sept 25 at Fort Calgary ... t+Plan.htm
2. Community Heritage Round Table: September 26th. ... ?p=561#561
3. Heritage Property Tour – Tony/Kristi to sign up, September 29th. RSVP by Sept 22.
4. Historic Calgary Week (HCW) is looking more for volunteers to help them than for somebody to run Doors Open. Possibility of CHI running “Doors Ajar” was discussed. Meeting is October 5th.
5. Mike McMordie Symposium: Oct 6th and 7th. Kerri interested in attending: ... .php?t=269
6. Possible Beltline-Calgary Urban Initiative Urban Symposium Oct 26. Topic: additions to heritage buildings.
7. Next CHI open meeting (for all public): November 7th

TBD: Pub Crawl: From last meeting: Heather Parsons asking the Bear and Kilt owner about how-to… No report yet. Also mention of a 'farewell to the St. Regis' night.

TBD: Possibility of running more tours in the West Vic area in support of efforts to improve the area. Maybe a library-sponsored program. Possibility of Arusha Centre in the Old Y providing some logistical support for CHI as well – e.g. mailbox, office space. Bob discussed this with the relevant parties at a recent workshop.

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Draft Meeting Notes October 16 2006

Postby Bob van Wegen » Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:51 pm

Draft Meeting Notes :arrow: there may be some minor changes next couple of days...

Calgary Heritage Initiative Society
October 16, 2006
Research and Development Watch Meeting


Bob van Wegen - chairing
Chris Edwards
Janet Woolgar
Halyna Tataryn
Gary Ellis
Marilyn Williams

Before the official start of the meeting Gary Ellis discussed his involvement in pre-Olympic ‘five rings’ project happening in various provinces. In Alberta in 2009 the project may involve an Alberta heritage mural with 216 pieces and artists. CHI and other groups may be asked to submit ideas for the mural or otherwise be involved. For more information contact Gary at


1. Current CHI Research Projects include;

a) George Stanley house. Draft presentation and inventory evaluation form complete. To be scheduled for CHA evaluation. New development: The owners now want to convert it into a pub and are asking for guidance on treating heritage elements. This is good news. Also an opportunity to see inside the house and thereby improve the evaluation for CHA. ... .php?t=271

b) Grant Bros. / Calgary Tent and Awning store 600 block 17th Avenue SW. No report.

c) Tequila / Costigan house. Kristi Johnson reports by email that Sherri Morrow continues to work on this.

2. Marilyn Williams and Kristi are planning a research orientation session with Cliff Bungalow-Mission, perhaps in February.

3. Community Roundtable. The previous Community Roundtable was about the Municipal Heritage Partnership Program. CHI has been asked to host the next roundtable where Darryl Cariou and David Plouffe, Heritage Planners for the City of Calgary, will present the new Evaluation system for this inventory. This is related to the new Heritage Resource Management Plan for the City. The suggested time frame is late November or early December. The event could be linked to being a Christmas Social as well. Perhaps the Inglewood Community Association would be interested in hosting the event. The plan mentioned at previous meetings to ask communities to name their ‘top 5’ non-inventory buildings and top streetscapes is on hold pending gelling of the next Community Roundtable agenda and discussion with the main presenters.

ACTION: Janet to follow-up with Inglewood Community Association.
ACTION: Marilyn is going to look into lending us a video projector.
ACTION: Chris is also going to check into us borrowing a video projector.

:arrow: [Post-meeting update: The session described above has been delayed by the heritage planners until the new year. A roundtable session for Nov/Dec is unresolved.]


CHI was asked by a potential buyer to provide info on Mayor Jamieson’s historic home in Mount Royal. It's on the inventory. Bob provided some info. via email.

- Aberdeen Block

The Mission / Cliff Bungalow Community Association has filed an appeal of the approval of the addition. To be heard October 26 The reasons for appeal included the dissatisfaction with the design, which may diminish the heritage value (not keeping to Standards and Guidelines) and normal due process was not followed. ... ?p=581#581

- Demolition Permit Issues

There was discussion about how Mount Royal has included a clause in their ARP discouraging demolition of heritage buildings until a development permit has been issued. Which provincial code covers demolition? Should we try to push for changes? ACTION: Chris to follow up on the Mount Royal ARP. Also discussion of 'compensation for loss of economic value' in the Historical Resources Act for municipal designation. Discourages designation and weakens negotiation because no-one has defined 'loss of economic value' and there have been no cases tested.- Carl Safran and Connaught

The Carl Safran Land Use has been withdrawn and the project is being negotiated with the City. There does not appear to be much interest in preserving the 1940 gym. Bob feels that there should be more concern. At Connaught things are apparently proceeding slowly. See Madeleine King’s note on the website (link below) for more on this – the city is negotiating to preserve both open space and heritage. Tony Smith and Bob van Wegen also had a positive meeting with MLA Harvey Cenaiko about this and he agreed to take it up with his colleagues. ... ?p=600#600

- King Edward School

Building in South Calgary may be sold. CHA has asked for designation. There has been discussion of the school and schoolyard in camera at Council. Council is asking for a moratorium on disposal of school properties like these and for discussion with the Province. This likely relates to Carl Safran and Connaught as well. ... .php?t=182

- Westbourne Church

No new news as of meeting. ACTION: Janet is to follow up on this ... ?t=254#254

- Rock Central

The house was demolished a few weeks ago. A movie about the building ‘Breakfast at Rock Central’ was at the Calgary International Film Festival. ACTION: Chris is going to try and get a DVD from the Director of the movie

- Enoch Sales House

Talks are continuing about moving the house onto the city owned parking lot above the LRT tunnel. ACTION: Halyna is going to follow up with Darryl Cariou and people she knows at Transportation about their concerns.

Link to Rock and Enoch: ... .php?t=259

- Curtis Block

Category A. There has been considerable concern about the sandblasting of the bricks. The façade is quite interesting and CHI would like to see some effort to save this building. Perhaps the bricks can be turned? ACTION: Kerri Rubman could be asked for her opinion. Janet is to follow up with architect Lorne Simpson for his opinion.

- Deutsch Canadier Block

Next to Curtis. The façade is not as interesting as the Curtis Block but seems to be in better shape. City apparently negotiating for retention.

Link to Curtis and Deutsch Canadier: ... .php?t=212

- President Apartments

Land use application to preserve the building and build a condo with density transfer is in circulation. We have been supportive of this. ... ?p=164#164

- Penny Lane

No further news following the accord with the Friends of Penny Lane. Discussion of how to avoid this demolition situation in the future. ... ?p=576#576

- Encana Project

Drawings of the project were distributed and CHI comments in the paper were discussed. Regis – Boutique hotel. York - save the façade + some of the building. Re-apply lost awnings. Legion will remain as is, as will the heritage buildings on the northerly block.

- 100 Block of 7th Avenue

No news on the sale. The idea was proposed to organize a charette to work on a design for this area, to preserve as much of the heritage as possible. Funding ideas were discussed. It was also suggested that Sandra Neill be approached due to this area being in the Olympic Plaza Cultural District (she is acting GM). The Neills are also associated with Art Central and heritage building restoration. Photos now on the website. ... ?p=598#598
ACTION: Bob to follow up.

- Lido Café development in Sunnyside.

No news. Chris has taken pictures for the website (see link) ACTION: Marilyn and Bob are following up on this ... .php?t=301

- Brick house 723 9 St SW

A letter was sent to the file manager about this pending demolition. The deadline has passed and there is not news. Rumour is that this house belonged to Billy Cowsill who was a musician in a group that the TV show “Partridge Family” was directly based on.

- Crandell/Hart House

The land use for the project, which would preserve the house, passed at Council. It had CHI’s support. ... .php?t=118

- City Centre Open Space Plan

Janet and Bob went to a meeting for this and some CHI feedback was provided regarding parks with heritage value and in heritage settings (e.g. the sandstone school sites).

- New Land Use Bylaw

There has been a parking relaxation for heritage. However, there is going to be less notice posting and perhaps fewer situations where a DP is required. CHI is concerned.


Beltline-Calgary Urban Initiative ‘urban forum’ on heritage issue postponed until February.

Chris Edwards returned from the annual Canada Heritage Foundation conference. There were four other representatives from Calgary there. Elizabeth May from the Green Party was one of the speakers. Chris noted an Alberta On-Line Encyclopedia that links 25-50 websites to provide a history of Alberta. (There may be more added to this note - check back later.)

CHI Open Meeting November 6, 7 pm at Northhill Co-op boardroom.

Bob van Wegen
Posts: 148
Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:02 pm

Notes from Dec 18 2006 R and DW meeting

Postby Bob van Wegen » Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:21 pm

Research and Development watch meeting notes (unofficial) Dec 18, 2006
Crush Restaurant and Lounge

Present: Bob van Wegen, Tara Viccars, John MacDonald, Gary Ellis, Kerri Rubman, John Gilpin, Bill McLennan, Frank Pashak, Anne Pashak, Rick Williams, Kristi Johnson, Chris Edwards, Janet Woolgar.

- Introductions. New people welcomed.

- John Gilpin has received a grant from the Calgary Foundation to write a history of the Elbow river valley and Glenmore Dam. Cliff Bungalow-Mission could get involved due to their proximity and Elbow River improvement project. ACTION: Bob will put something on the website ... ?p=684#684

Development Watch

- President - is likely going to CPC in January. CHI and the Beltline Communities have previously expressed support. CHI members (and previously working with the Beltline Communities) identified the building and helped get it on the inventory. Many CHI contacts wrote letters to the Alderman that helped raise the profile of the building. ... ?p=641#641

- Enoch Sales House is likely to be moved a short distance west onto City-owned land to make way for Torode development. Positive word on this from the Heritage Planner and mention in the land use report going to Council. 8 Jan council meeting, ACTION: note to Council for support or verbal at public hearing (Janet) ... ?p=689#689

- Curtis/Deutsche Canadier - Both CHI and Beltline want the streetscape preserved. Letters were written to the planner. The land use applications mention the provisions of the Beltline ARP (which encourages preservation) but are not specific on whether the buildings should be preserved. Some of the Curtis blocks (category A) are said to be in poor physical condition. There was discussion that if it is not salvageable a ‘faithful’ reconstruction using some original materials may be appropriate (e.g. Reader house, Centre Street bridge, others) ACTION: CHI should have an outing to inspect closer. LUC coming up at Council Jan 8. CHI to speak in favour of the LUC, noting the importance of the buildings, at Council. Janet to do this with assistance on presentation from Chris (photo materials) and Tony. ... ?p=365#365

- Westbourne Church. Still no resolution. Stampede wanted to move it to Ramsay side of the river, Ramsay said no. The City technically owns the Stampede grounds and may get tougher on the issue. Victory Outreach still in the building until February. ... .php?t=254

- The Beltline Schools. Connaught school - turns out this is a ‘dollar school site’ - city has first right of refusal to buy back the land for $1, so sale of land on the east side for condos is off. CBE is proceeding with plans to renovate the school, including the new gym that would obscure the south façade. CHI wants any new gym to be on the east side where it would not cover the façade. The draft Centre City Plan agrees, and identifies the south and west areas of the school for park space. As for Carl Safran (Central or CCI), the City is negotiating with CBE to purchase the west yard for open space. Both schools there are issues with the nature of the renovations and a desire for designation to ensure protection. In the fall Bob and Tony did a presentation to Madeleine King and Harvey Cenaiko. Harvey wrote a letter to the ministers of education/infrastructure (then Ty Lund) and heritage (Denis Duscharme). Response from Duscharme was that Carl Safran should be designated and that Connaught was a possibility, but that the province likely wouldn’t force the issue. Action: Watch for progress on both sites and be prepared to comment. ... .php?t=272

- King Edward School in south Calgary – CHA has asked the province to designate. This ‘surplus’ school may be the new home of the Calgary French High School. ... ?p=691#691

- 'Castle' apartments in Sunnyside, corner of 9A Street and 2nd Avenue and the neighbouring house have been purchased by the Calgary Parking Authority for a mixed use TOD development including parking. ACTION: see if it involves the Lido Café (ask Don Schultz of the CPA) ... ?p=676#676

- Dominion Bridge site - Torode has purchased this site (Category B), apparently intends to preserve the most historic parts, Ramsay has the ball. Eileen Stan from Torode would like to chat with us, ACTION: we should invite her to a meeting and stay in touch with Ramsay. ... .php?t=308

- 100 block of 7th ave SW – Tony says CHA Evaluation Committee is interested in this block. This is also first area of interest for the City’s ‘gALLErY’ alley cleanup project (see Centre City Plan – Druh Farrell motion). Continuation of discussion regarding CHI contacting Sandra Neill and Olympic Plaza Cultural District and possible preservation-oriented design charette. A possibility for the people involved in Janet’s Calgary Architecture and Design Week? ... .php?t=318

- SHE building – former Magic Room, NW corner of 5th Street and 17th Ave SW. Word has it that the owner wants to tear it down, along with the building adjacent if they can purchase it. Recently added to the inventory category B. 17th Ave design study showed it still standing in their conceptual 'future' drawings. City might want setback if a tear down occurs. Possible bonuses for preserving under Beltline ARP. ACTION: Guest Tara to do a write up and we'll publish a story on the website. Inform Uptown BRZ and the Beltline, and the heritage planners.

- Land Use Bylaw - Sent in comment on the new LU Bylaw revision. Other groups echoed our comments on heritage aspects. We are likely to get some changes on that. Issue regarding notice posting requirements may be thrown to Council. ... .php?t=339

- Draft Centre City Plan – CHI members visited open houses and gave some verbal feedback. Janet W. was invited to a stakeholder session but the City transposed the emails so the invite was not received (apologies from the City). CHI to provide written input as well. City Centre implementation committees to be formed with outside groups. CHI should be a stake holder ... entre+city

- Heritage Resource Management Plan - Heritage planners still working on this, first public glimpse in the spring. Also surveying the existing ‘inventory’ looking for gaps in what has been inventoried. They're also aware of the backlog CHA will end up having regarding inventory if community groups start putting in more buildings for evaluation. The heritage planners are going to develop a workshop on the new evaluation system – probably by mid-spring.

- Community Heritage Round Table - End of Jan. / beginning of Feb. likely. The FCC planner is going to take coordinating role; establish a steering group to make sure they happen regularly. Next one may be a review of community heritage projects involving the Calgary Foundation. The spring one may be on the new evaluation system (see above).

- Provincial Historical Resources Act – discussion of possible changes. Problems with definition of compensation for designation. ... ht=ontario

- Canada Heritage Foundation concerns about federal policy and the next budget were discussed (Landmarks not Landfill program). Some positive stuff out of the federal finance committee recently. Maybe CHI should review the information and seek a meeting with Diane Ablonczy, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance. Action: Tony and Gary looking into it. Gary to raise the issue with Neil Richardson.


- We have a posting at U of L for practicum summer students. Last year’s summer student Danielle Feader has graduated.
- Research session with Cliff Bungalow Mission team on February 24 (Kristi)
- Need to submit Stanley house to CHA. The Irish pub plans fell through and it is back on the market. ... ?p=692#692
- Maybe do our pre-evaluation of buildings using both systems (old and new)?
- Develop a list of buildings to research – perhaps post on website. Discuss possibilities with communities at the Community Heritage Roundtable? (see above) What about the CHA wish list of buildings – can we help them to clear that list?
- Discussed partnership with community associations and the city to help research communities. Perhaps access support from Municipal Heritage Partnership Program.
Discuss at next board meeting.
- ‘Cowsills’ house in Lower Mount Royal - need land titles info or to ask at the Ironwood to confirm relationship to Billy Cowsill (Janet)

- March 10 - program at the Calgary Public Library
- Stanley house - need something for Flag day ... ?p=692#692
- CUI + Beltline-> Urban Forum "dealing with old and new", CHI has been informally asked to contribute, photographic essay from CHI?
- Regis - Farewell tour end of March.
- Historic Calgary Week theme - Soddies to Skyscrapers. ... .php?t=347

For more events, go here:

Other News

- Next year’s funds for historic buildings owned by the City mostly went to improving the old YWCA on 12th Avenue
- St Louis Hotel, now owned by the City, may become East Village community development offices
- Grand Trunk school in Hillhurst needs a new use - Possible CHI offices would be a great idea according to us.

Bob van Wegen
Posts: 148
Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:02 pm

Postby newsposter » Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:04 pm

CHI Research and Development Watch
Draft Notes
February 12, 2007


Rick Williams
Larry Heather
Frank Pashak
Anne Pashak
Janet Woolgar
Chris Edwards
Jeremy Hood (check out his photos at
Kristi Johnson
Bob van Wegen

100 Block of 7th Avenue
Tony said that the group of buildings is being researched as a streetscape by the Calgary Heritage Authority. Much of the block is up for sale at present. CHI has previously discussed ways and means of raising profile of the site.

Draft Center City Plan
CHI provided an extensive response. It was felt that there was room for more comment on heritage. We ended up with a 7 page presentation. The plan itself is 130 pages. There is some support for heritage in the draft plan. One item was the encouragement of developing empty lots. It is hoped to be taken to the Council in the spring. (Calgary Planning Commission on March 22 - Council May 7).

Heritage Resource Management Plan
Expected late spring/early summer. Darryl Cariou the Heritage Planner is looking for stakeholders - hope was expressed that CHI will be a stakeholder. More incentives for heritage. Items may include changes to the evaluation and review methods, creating a category for cultural landscape, use of city-owned heritage buildings, and endowment fund for research/preservation, etc. (More news at Community Heritage Roundtable, April 19 - see Events page)

Adding buildings to the Inventory
CHA has planned to review about 14 buildings this year, including 100 block 7 Ave streetscape, Reader Rock Garden, Bowness Park, Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, St. Louis Hotel and Hillier Block (East Village), Dinny the Dinosaur, Battalion Numbers, etc. About 4 slots will be reserved for buildings representing ‘themes’ that are under- represented on the Inventory, or emergencies Good news is they have a plan. Bad news is that there is not much room for new buildings. That should not stop us from researching buildings for the inventory. It has been mentioned that there may be changes to increase the volume of evaluations. There seems to be some pressure on the system.

Community Heritage Round Table
Bob in his role as FCC planner is convening a ‘steering committee’ meeting to launch the next Community Heritage Roundtables. (Follow-up note: Now scheduled for April 19 and June 26 - see Events page)

SHE site / Magic Room
No news since last meeting. Chris to follow up with Tara. Should inform CA and BRZ and get something up on the website.

Parkdale Community Association
Got a Municipal Heritage Partnership Program grant to hire research consultant and do the work. This is not provincial money, but flow through from federal funds. Cliff Bungalow Mission will be seeking a similar arrangement. It was suggested that CHI needs a volunteer to help with grant writing (learn more at Community Heritage Roundtable - see Events page)

Cliff Bungalow – Mission research session.
Kristi Johnson will be directing a Cliff Bungalow-Mission building research session on February 24 at the Library. Tony Smith, Danielle Feader to assist.

Top 10 endangered
We nominated 2 buildings to the Heritage Canada Foundation for consideration for ‘Canada’s Top 10 endangered list. One was Westbourne Baptist Church in the Stampede expansion zone. Larry Heather is with the Aberhart Society. Larry said that the congregation is enthusiastic that a submission was made. Mrs. Muriel Manning (Preston’s mom) was the pianist for the church and music director for the Back to the Bible Hour. There are some items in the church like an unusual file cabinet. Victory Church is on a week to week set up at the moment. The point was made that it would be easier to get inside now. The Stampede officially took over the building last July 1. The Heritage Canada Top 10 is to be announced on Heritage Day. We are talking about getting press. Action: Kristi to contact Heritage Canada for heads up on our nominations.

Beltline Schools.
Connaught is a dollar school site so that it cannot be used for condos. Gymnasium is still slated for right in front of the building. On Thursday night there is going to be an Open House on the Carl Safran site. Concern that the CBE office building could be quite massive, but likely there will be park space instead of condos on the west. They are still planning to knock down the gymnasium. Bottom line, the school site situation is looking better. The Beltline CA is also working on this project. Hopefully there will enough pressure to make something good happen.

The proposal for the President Apartments, preservation + high rise above, was approved at Calgary Planning Commission (goes to Council on March 12 - approved see Development Watch).

Dominion Bridge Site - Ramsay
Bob van Wegen attended the open house. Torode is setting up for a billion dollar project. Basically, they are planning to reuse the historic building. (Frank asked if there were any plans south and east of the tracks. There was talk about a future LRT around the Crossroads Market.) There may be some resistance to this development from the Stampede or others. Bob discussed with Torode president Dan van Leeuwen and Eileen Stan about doing a tour of the buildings. They seem keen.

Land Use Bylaw.
“Contextual single dwelling” means no discretionary development permit – a house can be replaced with another house as permitted. What happens if the building is on the heritage inventory? Mission Cliff Bungalow was saying the DP process is one of the only tools that can be used to help preserve heritage buildings. ‘Contextual’ developments also don’t respect the ARP re. heritage style of development. A comment was made that there is not a process for discussing these developments. The ARP seems to be left out of the formula. Public hearing in March. Action: Janet will try to contact the leadership of the land use bylaw team to find out what the motivation is. There is the idea that CHI will hold a meeting and invite guests – heritage issues around the land use bylaw. It was suggested that the approach be that we would like the equivalent of an “Heritage Open House”. There have been may other Open Houses but none on the heritage issue. (note: LUB now being reviewed prior to 'second reading')

1912 Killarney House is up from demolition.
Halyna, etc. have brought this to our attention. Not looking hopeful. 2628 29 Ave SW. Not on the heritage inventory. Action: Jeremy Hood and Anne Pashak may be able to shoot pictures. Kristi will offer some help on the research. Contact Halyna.

CHA heritage plaque presentation.
Presentation is on Monday February 26 – Municipal Building. Reception is from 8:30 to 9:15 AM. Presentation is 9:15 AM. CHI leaders invited.

Flag Day – Stanley House
Feb 15, 1965 was when the Maple Leaf flag was first raised on Parliament Hill. George Stanley was born 100 years ago in 190. There is interest from U of C Don Smith and the Canadian Club is also interested (they promote pride in Canada). July 1 is a back up plan. Action: Media to be contacted by Tony. Bob gave Tony the media book. It was suggested that July is another opportunity. Fastforward is to be notified by Janet. The possibility of a Yahoo notification was discussed, but short notice. Encourage Marlene and Don to be media spokespeople. (Follow-up - a successful event. See Featured Heritage Building and also News section)
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