Unofficial notes from the Research and Development Watch group of the Calgary Heritage Initiative Society, July 24, 2006.
Bob van Wegen
Chris Edwards
Tony Smith
Danielle Feader
Jacky Durrie
Heather Saitz
Kerri Rubman
Don Edy
D’Arcy McGee
Kristi Johnson
Halyna Tataryn
Rick Williams
I. Research
1. Presentations on the Harvey Block and Western Hospital are to be made to the Calgary Heritage Authority on July 27/06.
2. New Research: ACTION: Kristi will arrange a tutorial on “How to Research”, and will invite D’Arcy and Kerri. She will check with Harry Sanders at the Glenbow to see if he’s available for a short “primer”.
3. Community research:
a. The current inventory is found at: ... +Sites.htm
b. Daryl Cariou is interested in streetscapes, which we take to mean 3 or more buildings.
c. We would like to ask Community Associations the following in ADVANCE of the Sept 27 roundtable meeting:
i. What are the top 5 (or so) buildings in your community which aren’t on the inventory?
ii. What is your best streetscape or 3 or more buildings?
d. ACTION: (Chris Edwards?). Draft note to community association asking the above. To be sent around Labour Day.
4. Crooks drugs is empty right now. That is the first time it is not a drug store since it was built.
5. Cliff Bungalow/Mission CA is researching a number of buildings. ACTION: Rick and Tony to exchange building “research interest” lists – possibly on an ongoing basis.
II. Development Watch
1. Aberdeen apartments demolition application, as reported in the Herald. We know a demolition application has been received. We don’t think that we know the real reason behind the dispute or the motivation behind the application.
Can Daryl stop/delay a demolition? Usually just for one month.
Obviously, we think demolition is not acceptable.
Now is the time to send a note to the Alderman. Also send copies to, and the heritage planner:
More info is on the website at:
ACTION: We would like to send one letter from CHI as an organization. (Bob/Tony?)
ACTION: Rick will add building history to the website.
2. Mission ARP has gone through. CHI submitted notes in favour. The height restriction was lowered from 8 stories to 5, but the setbacks were made less than most of the city.
3. Sandringham: Change of use supported by CHI.
4. Carl Safran / Central / Rundle: CBE is selling off the open space to raise money. The concern is that from a context point of view, the yards are parts of the school. We believe the city has a right-of-first-refusal on the open space. Letter regarding Carl Safran land use application already sent to Ald. King, mayor, MLA Cenaiko, Gibbs Gage architects, Beltline community, heritage planner Darryl Cariou. We would like to follow up with a “Heritage Resource Impact Assessment” request to the Minister of Comm Dev.
Note: The open space in the beltline is about 0.6 ha per person, compared to a city average of 2.2 ha/person and a suburban average of 2.5-5.0 ha/person.
As for Connaught School we do not know the deadlines yet.
ACTION: Circulate a draft letter re. HRIA for comments. Bob/Tony??
5. Westbourne Church: Not going to be decided for a couple of months.
6. Enoch Sales and Rock Central: The current plan seems to be to move Enoch 100 ft west to the LRT right-of-way, and to demolish Rock Central, saving a few bricks for display (latter from unofficial notes from CHA).
RESPONSE: Since they are on the inventory, every effort should be made to save them. Moving the bricks is an insult. “If we can’t save, then move”. As artifacts of the neighbourhood, the buildings are still in context if moved 100 ft away.
Under the Beltline ARP, preservation of the buildings (either by keeping in place or moving) could result in a density transfer.
ACTION: Everyone… What are the potential uses of the buildings, if moved?
7. Curtis Block and Deutch-Canadier: ACTION: Chris to find out response deadline (likely mid-August).
8. Hamilton Terrace: “The dumpster murder house” is being re-done as an office building. Would getting the building on the inventory help the developer meet their parking requirements? Land use – is it consistent with heritage? ACTION: Letters in by 3rd August.
9. Historic Calgary Week: CHI’s 17th Ave tour starts from Café Beano (9th street, N of 17th Ave) at 10:00 AM on Saturday. ACTION: Photos, D’Arcy and Halyna; Memberships: Rick and D’Arcy. Meet at 9:45 at the Café.
10. Calgary Heritage Awards / Lion awards. August 3. To make our presentation booth, Jacky, D’Arcy, Halyna, and Heather volunteered.