Introducing the Calgary Heritage Initiative

The Calgary Heritage Initiative Society (CHI) is a city-wide heritage group, founded in the fall of 2005, dedicated to the preservation, productive use and interpretation of buildings and sites of historic and architectural interest in Calgary.

CHI achieved Society status in the spring of 2006 and is seeking new members. As we grow, the Calgary Heritage Initiative seeks to work with other organizations on projects of mutual interest.

Link to a list of current Executive members

Key interests of the Calgary Heritage Initiative include:


  • Heritage awareness through tours, on-site interpretation (e.g. signage), publications, media stories, our website and other creative means.


  • We want to facilitate productive communications and knowledge-sharing among heritage stakeholders and members of the public. Tools include an e-bulletin and a public web forum. We also encourage and assist neighbourhood-based heritage groups.


  • We support the development of public policy that supports built heritage. This may include providing input to community plans and the upcoming Heritage Resource Management Plan, or providing a forum for such policy to be discussed.


  • We provide a forum to share information and publicize developments that may threaten heritage and/or provide opportunities for heritage preservation. This can also involve working with developers/businesses, architects, planners and communities.


  • Sites of historic and architectural interest should be identified and researched for placement on inventories such as the Municipal Inventory of Potential Heritage Sites or provincial and federal lists.







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calgary heritage historic architecture heritage preservation calgary heritage historic preservation history calgary history inglewood ramsay kensington beltline sandstone historic calgary